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The Glory of Simplicity and the Nature of Greed
Chapter 4 of Yoga Shastra, Verses 17-18
They destroy the path to liberation. Therefore, a wise person should abandon the illusion, which is like a fire to the tree of faith, like the root of the city of liberation, and like the seed of birth in the animal realm. In a previous life, the soul of Shri Mallinath had a small amount of illusion. Because he did not remove that illusion, that is, he did not purify himself through introspection and atonement, he received the female form as a result of the power of illusion, becoming the world-ruler, a Tirthankara. ||16||
Now, to conquer illusion, they inspire the virtue of simplicity. ||343||
Tad-arjva-mahaushadhya, Jagadananda-hetu-na. Jayej-jagadrohakari, Mayaam vishadhari-miv. ||17||
Meaning: Therefore, one should conquer the serpent-like illusion, which harms the world, with the medicine of righteousness, simplicity, which brings joy to the beings of the world. ||17||
Explanation: For the people of the world, the special joy of righteousness (arjva) is a health-giving medicine, which, by conquering the illusion-passion, without giving up deceit, becomes the cause of liberation. _ In this regard, the inner verses present the meaning: Even in other religious scriptures, it is said in principle that if there is a straight path to the city of liberation, it is the path of simplicity; the rest of the paths are just an expansion of conduct. In short, understand that deceit is the cause of death, while simplicity is the cause of immortality. This knowledge alone is true knowledge; the rest is nonsense. In the world, a person who is rich in simplicity becomes an object of love, while a person full of deceit becomes anxious like a serpent. A person with a simple mind, even while living in the world, experiences the natural and effortless joy of liberation. How can a person with a troubled mind, bound by the nail of deceit, and skilled in deception like a hunter, experience that joy even in a dream? Even if a person is clever in all arts, proficient in all knowledge, but the simplicity of a child is only bestowed upon a fortunate one. The simplicity of an ignorant child makes him an object of love. If a person is well-versed in the meaning of all scriptures and also has simplicity, what can be said! Simplicity is natural, deceit is artificial. Therefore, who will hold on to the artificial and illusory dharma, leaving aside the natural dharma? It is rare that those who are skilled in deceit, trickery, fraud, lies, gossip, and speaking one thing on the face and having another feeling in the heart, can remain unaffected like a golden statue. Ganadhara Shri Gautam Swami was proficient in the ocean of scriptures, yet it is surprising that he listened to the words of the Lord with the simplicity of a newly initiated disciple. No matter how many evil deeds one has done, but the one who criticizes his own evil deeds with simplicity, destroys all his actions. But if one criticizes with pride, hiding deceit like Lakshmana's wife, then even a small amount of sin will become the cause of worldly increase. Liberation is attained only by one whose soul is full of all kinds of simplicity. One whose mind, speech, and actions (body) are full of deceit, will never be liberated. Therefore, the character of seekers who are simple in their results is described as blameless, and seekers who are deceitful in their results become participants in the fierce bondage of karma. By comparing these two with the intellect, the seeker with pure intellect should take refuge in the unparalleled simplicity. ||17||
Now, the nature of greed is explained. ||344||
Aakaraha sarvado-shaanaam, gunagra-sanrakshasah. Kando vyasanavalli-naam, lobhah sarvarth-badhakah. ||18||
Meaning: Just as the mine is the source of all metals like iron, so greed is the source of all vices like violence. It is a demon that swallows up virtues like knowledge, and it is the root of the vines of misfortune (suffering). In fact, greed is an obstacle to all purposes, dharma, artha, kama, and moksha. ||18||
Explanation: Greed-passion is the source of all vices, the destroyer of all virtues, the cause of suffering, and the destroyer of all purposes. Therefore, greed is invincible. ||18||
The next three verses describe the nature of greed.