Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## Description of a Shravak's Daily Routine After Devavandan
**After paying homage to the Gods, the daily routine of a Shravak is described as follows:**
**Violation of Kulacharya:**
* Acting against the rules of conduct,
* Wearing ostentatious attire,
* Boasting about one's own donations, austerities, journeys, etc.
* Many Acharyas consider these actions to be against the community.
* Being happy when a Sadhu-Purusha is in trouble and not trying to save them even when capable. These are also considered against the community.
* "O Lord! I will abandon such actions!" (Pancha. 2/8-10)
**Serving the Guru:**
* Properly serving the Guru, which is a form of worship.
* Although Dharmacharayas are called Gurus, one should also consider parents, art teachers, etc. as Gurus (elders).
* Yogabindu (verse 110) states: "Parents, art teachers, knowledge gurus, their relatives, elders, and Dharma preachers, all these are considered as Satpurusha Gurus."
* Working for the welfare of other living beings in the mortal world.
* This is truly a sign of Dharma-Purushartha.
**Acquiring the Qualities:**
* By acquiring the aforementioned qualities, the seeker gains worldly beauty in life and becomes eligible for the transcendental Dharma.
* Therefore, it is said: "Suhaguru-Jogo Vishisht Charitravan, Pavitra Shubhaguruon Sadhu-Sadhviyon Evam Dharmacharayon Ka Sangyog-Nishra Mile, Tavvayana-Sevna."
* "May we get the association of pure, auspicious Gurus, Sadhus, Sadhvis, and Dharmacharayas, who are of exceptional character. May we follow their teachings."
* Such noble Gurus never give harmful advice. Therefore, their teachings should be served completely, as long as one has to wander in the world.
* This prayer is specifically for the desire of renunciation (Niaana) and not for the cause (Nidana).
* This happens before the seventh Gunasthanak, called "Aparamat-Samyam."
* Beyond the Aparamat Gunasthanak, the being has no desire for the world or liberation. All emotions, good or bad, are equal for them.
**Knowing the Ritual of Chaityavandan:**
* This way of knowing the excellent ritual of Chaityavandan, which is in the form of a prayer for auspicious results, is up to the two verses of Jay Viyaray.
**Further Duties:**
* "Tato Gurunam Abhyarne, Pratipatti-Purasaram. Vidhidhit Vishuddhatma, Pratyakhyan-Prakashanam." (Verse 124)
* **Meaning:** After paying homage to the Gods, if the Guru or Dharmacharaya has come to pay homage to the Gods, or to witness a festival like bathing, or to give a Dharma discourse, or to wander, then go to them, stand three and a half steps away, and respectfully pay homage. Listen to their discourse. Later, reveal the Pratyakhyan done in front of the Gods to the Guru, without arrogance and with a pure mind.
* The ritual of Pratyakhyan is witnessed by three: 1. Atma-Sakshi (self-witness), 2. Deva-Sakshi (God-witness), and 3. Guru-Sakshi (Guru-witness).
**Guru-Pratipatti (Respect for the Guru):**
* The previous verse mentions "Pratipatti-Purvak." Therefore, Guru-Pratipatti (respect) is described in two verses.
* "Abhyuththanam Tada Loke Abhyanam Cha Tadagame. Shirasyanjali-Samsleshah Swayamaasanadhaukanam." (Verse 125)
* "Asanabhigraho Bhaktya, Vandana Paryupasanam. Tadyane Anugamashcheti, Pratipattiriyam Guroh." (Verse 126)
* **Meaning:** Upon seeing the Guru Maharaj, immediately leave your seat and stand up respectfully. Go in front of them. If they have arrived, fold your hands on your head and say "Namo Khamasamanam Vachan." Do this yourself, don't ask someone else to do it. Offer them a seat yourself. After the Guru Maharaj sits on their seat, sit on another seat yourself. Later, respectfully perform the twenty-five essential purifications with devotion. If the Gurudev doesn't have to go anywhere and is not busy with any work, serve them with Paryupasana. When they leave, follow them for a short distance. This is how to understand Guru-Pratipatti (the treatment and respect for the Dharmacharaya).
**After Listening to the Dharma Discourse:**
* "Tatah Pratinivrittah San, Sthanam Gatva Yathochitam. Sudhidharma-Virodhena, Vidhidhit Arthachintanam." (Verse 127)
* **Meaning:** After returning from the temple, go to your respective place (if you are a king, go to the royal court, if you are a minister, go to the court, if you are a merchant, go to your shop), and think about earning wealth in a way that doesn't harm Dharma.
* The three-fold Pranidhan is not mentioned here.
* The ritual of Chaityavandan described here, up to the two verses of Jay Viyaray, is not practiced today.