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'Siddhaanam Buddhaanam' Gatha Par Vivechan
Yoga Shastra Triteeya Prakash Shlok 123
I bow to those Siddha-Bhagavants who do not desire any sadhana. This is how the sentence should be connected. Even in that, generally, karma, Siddha, etc., are achieved in many ways. As it is said in the commentary of the scriptures: 1. Karma, 2. Shilpa, 3. Vidya, 4. Mantra, 5. Yoga, 6. Agam, 7. Artha, 8. Yatra, 9. Abhipray, 10. Tap, and 11. Karmakshaya. Thus, they are achieved in these 11 ways. 1. Karma Siddha - If someone, without the teachings of any Acharya, repeatedly performs any karma like lifting weights, farming, trading, etc., and becomes proficient in that karma like Sahya Giri Siddha, then he is called Karma Siddha. 2. Shilpa Siddha - If someone, through the teachings of an Acharya, practices any art like blacksmithing, carpentry, painting, etc., and becomes proficient like Kokas Suthar, then he is called Shilpa Siddha. 3-4. Vidya Siddha, Mantra Siddha - Vidya is called the knowledge that gives results through homa, japa, etc., and Mantra is that which is achieved only by chanting the mantra without japa, etc. Vidya has a presiding deity, while Mantra has a presiding deity. If someone achieves Siddhi by practicing any Vidya, then he is called Vidya Siddha like Arya Khaputacharaya. And if someone achieves Siddhi in any Mantra, then he becomes Mantra Siddha like Stambhaakarsha. 5. Yoga Siddha - If someone is proficient in preparing lepa, anjan, etc., by collecting many herbs, then he is called Yoga Siddha like Arya Samitaacharya. 6. Agam Siddha - Agam means the twelve (twelve) angas and upangas, and the principles, nayanikshepas, etc., discourses and their extraordinary meanings. One who knows them like Gautam Swami is called Agam Siddha. 7. Artha Siddha - Artha means wealth. One who is skilled in acquiring more wealth than others, like Mamman, is called Artha Siddha. 8. Yatra Siddha - One who has completed his journey without any obstacles, like Tundik, on the water route or the land route, is called Yatra Siddha. 9. Abhipray Siddha - One who achieves the task in the way he intended to do it, like Abhaykumar, is called Abhipray Siddha. 10. Tap Siddha - One who has manifested the ability to perform the most excellent tapasya, like Dridha Prahari, is called Tap Siddha. And 11. Karmakshaya Siddha - One who has destroyed the eight karmas, like Jnanavaraniya, from the root, like Marudevi Mata, is called Karmakshaya Siddha. Out of the eleven types of Siddhas mentioned above, one should accept the eleventh, Karmakshaya Siddha, leaving out the ten. By bowing to such Karmakshaya Siddha, the seeker becomes Siddha. Buddhaanam - meaning enlightened. In the world that is asleep in the ignorance-like sleep, those who have become enlightened by knowing the nature of the jiva, etc., without the teachings of others. That is, those who have become enlightened (knowing) and have completely destroyed their karmas, I bow to them. Some philosophers say that Siddhas live in the state of Siddha, renouncing the world and nirvana. They do not stay in the world or nirvana for the welfare of the world, and the world cannot know their nature. They are greater than even the Chintamani Ratna. To refute their opinion, it is said: Paragayanam, I bow to the Siddhas, who have crossed the world, that is, who have ended the purpose of the world. In this regard, the Yadrcchavadis say that just as a poor man suddenly becomes a king, so too a jiva suddenly becomes a Siddha. There is no such thing as order in this. Refuting this, it is said: Parampragayanam, meaning, Siddha who have become by tradition. The meaning is that those who have achieved the full development of the soul through the fourteen gunasthana, through tradition, or those who have achieved the moksha sthana through the yoga of karmakshaya, etc., in some way, I bow to them. Many philosophers consider the place of moksha, which is fixed, to be uncertain. They say that when the world of the soul or the ignorance-like affliction is destroyed, their knowledge remains stable, and since there is a complete absence of affliction, they are never hindered or afflicted in this world. To refute this belief, it is said: Loaggamuvagayanam, in the front part of the world, on the fourteen Raj Lokas, in the end part, there is a Siddha Shila earth called 'Ishat Praagbhara'. Near it, not in another place, all the Siddhas are situated, having destroyed their karmas. It is also said that where there is one soul of a Siddha, there are infinite other Siddha souls who have been liberated from birth and death, having destroyed their karmas, without hindering each other.