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Types of Chaityavandan
I perform Kausagg according to Yoga Shastra, Third Light, Verse 123. This is how it should be done. Uttarikarana means - after purification from sins by Iriya Vahiya, for special purification. The meaning is that before Viradhana, Alochana-Pratikraman has been done; for the same, then Kayotsarga form of work is called Uttarikarana, by that Kayotsarga, destruction of sinful karmas happens. Uttarikarana happens by Prayaschittakarana. Therefore, it is said further - Payachchittakarana. Meaning, Praya = authorized, which purifies the mind or the soul, or cuts the sin, is called Prayaschitta. By doing which, the soul becomes specially pure. And that Kausagg-Prayaschitta is also the cause of purity, therefore it is said - Visohikarana, meaning by removing the excess dirt (offense), by making the soul pure and clean. That purity also happens in the absence of the thorn. Therefore, it is said - Visallikarana, meaning by being free from Maya-Shalya, Nidana-(Niyana) Shalya and Mithyadarshan-Shalya, these three thorns. Why? Pavana Kammanam Nigghayana Tthae, meaning to destroy the sinful karmas like Jnanavaraniya, which are the cause of the world. Thami Kausagg, Thami means - I do. And Kausagg means - the abandonment of the activities of the body, bodily tendencies. Do you abandon everything? Not at all, but some tendencies are kept as exceptions, in the form of Aagar (permission), I perform Kausagg. They are as follows - Annath Ussasienam Nissasienam, meaning - except for inhalation and exhalation. The meaning is that it is impossible to stop breathing, therefore permission is given to inhale and exhale. Khasienam - from coughing, Chienam - from sneezing, Jambhaienam - from yawning, Udduenam - from belching, Vayannisaggenam - from the expulsion of Apana Vayu, from Bhamali - sudden dizziness in the body, Pittmuchchae = fainting due to the heat of bile; Suhumehi Angsachalaihi - from the subtle movement of the limbs, from the fine movements of the body, Suhumeham Khelasanchalaihi - from the subtle movement of phlegm or saliva, Suhumehi Ditthisanchalaihi - from the subtle movement of the eyes, from the eyelids falling, etc., meaning - except for these twelve reasons, I abandon the activities of the body. What kind of Kayotsarga should it be? Evam Aihihim Aagarehihim Abhaggho Avirhaio Hujj Me Kausagg, meaning my Kayotsarga is unbroken, without Viradhana, with these and other types of aforementioned Aagars - exceptions. There are some accidental reasons, they should also be accepted. Meaning, when a cat is about to catch and eat a mouse, then to protect the mouse, suddenly lightning strikes, an earthquake happens, or there is a disturbance of fire, etc., when there is a touch of light, then to cover oneself with a blanket, if one takes it, then even if one opens the Kayotsarga in the middle, it does not break. Here the question arises - if one performs Kayotsarga by saying Namo Arihantaanam, and then performs bodily activities, then how will it break? Actually, doing so should not break the Kayotsarga. In answer to this, it is said - every Kausagg is supported by evidence. Although, until Namo Arihantaanam is not said, then Kausagg happens; however, as much as one has decided to perform the Kausagg of Logass or Navkar Mantra, it is said aloud only after completing it, then Kausagg happens in an unbroken and complete form. Even after Kausagg is complete, if Namo Arihantaanam is not said, then Kausagg breaks. Therefore, after Kayotsarga is complete, Namo Arihantaanam should be said. And if a cat is pouncing on a mouse, and one moves to save it, or performs bodily activities, then Kausagg does not break. And if a thief, a king, or a cause of fear arises in a secluded place, or if a snake has bitten oneself or another monk, then if one completes the Kayotsarga by suddenly uttering Namo Arihantaanam in the middle, then Kausagg does not break. It is said that from spreading, from burning, from a five-sense being passing through the middle, or from the disturbance of a thief, a king, etc., or from a snake bite; Kausagg does not break from these exceptions. The etymological meaning of Aagar is - Aakriyantae Aagruhyantae Ityakarah Aagarah. That which is done well or that which is accepted well, is called Aagar. The secret of Aagar is - the exceptions taken in Kayotsarga. If such Aagars are not there, then even if Kayotsarga is not completely broken or destroyed, it is broken (destroyed) in the country. While in Kayotsarga,