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The Story of Brahmadutta Chakra
Chapter 2 of the Yagshastra, Second Light, Verse 27:
With pure intentions, the king paraded the offending minister throughout the city, so that no one else would dare to trouble a Sadhu in such a manner. Finally, the Chakravarti bowed his head, adorned with a jeweled crown, at the feet of both Munis. At that moment, it seemed as if the king was showering the earth with water from the crown jewel on his head. With their mouths covered by a cloth, the Munis raised their right hands and blessed the king with Dharma-laabh, praising his virtue.
The king, with humility, requested, "Munivar! The offender should receive the fruits of his actions (duष्कर्म)." Pointing towards Namuchi, the emperor, Sanatkumar, requested the Munis to forgive him. The Munis instructed them to forgive him. Thus, despite being worthy of death, the king, following the Guru's command, released him. Just as a serpent cannot stay near a Garuda, similarly, Namuchi, the Chandala who had committed a heinous act, was banished from the city and the country, living a life like a dead man, separated from Sanatkumar and the Muni.
Sunanda, the chief queen of Chakravarti Sanatkumar, inspired by devotion, went to pay her respects to both Munis, accompanied by her 64,000 co-wives. While paying her respects to Sambhuti Muni, the noble woman bowed down, touching her hair to his lotus feet. At that moment, it seemed as if she was making the earth moon-like. As soon as the touch of her delicate hair reached Sambhuti Muni, he felt a thrill. Truly, "Kamadeva always seeks an opening." When the queen, seeking their permission, expressed her desire to visit the inner palace, Sambhuti Muni, defeated by desire, made a resolution (duष्कल्प) in his mind: "If my arduous penance bears any fruit, let it be that I become the husband of such a noble woman in my next birth." At that moment, Chitramuni stopped him, saying, "Brother! Why do you desire such a base fruit from your penance, which is meant for liberation? Why are you placing a jewel worthy of being worn on your head on the ground? Abandon this resolution (नियाणे) born out of attachment. Such a thought does not seem appropriate for a great Muni like you. Say 'मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं' (May this wrong deed of mine be false) right now." Even though Chitramuni tried to stop him, Sambhuti Muni did not abandon his resolution. Indeed, the desire for worldly pleasures is very strong.
After performing the Anashan (fasting) with proper rituals, both Munis completed their lifespan and were born as Devas in a beautiful celestial chariot called Saudharma.
The soul of Chitramuni, after leaving the first Devaloka, was born as the son of a Seth in the city of Purimatal. The soul of Sambhuti Muni, after leaving Devaloka, was born in the womb of Chulnidevi, the wife of the Brahma Raja, in the city of Kampilya. The mother saw fourteen auspicious dreams. Knowing the auspicious and prosperous future, Queen Chulni gave birth to her son in the same way that the east gives birth to the sun. Filled with joy and immersed in Brahma, the Brahma Raja named his son Brahmadutta, a name famous throughout the universe. He grew day by day, like a pure moon, bringing joy to the eyes of the world and absorbing many arts. Just as Brahma has four faces, the Brahma Raja had four dear friends: Katak, the king of Kashi; Kanerdatta, the king of Hastinapur; Dirgha, the king of Kosala; and Pushpachulak, the king of Champa. These five friend-kings, out of love for each other, would stay together in each other's cities for a year, like Nandanvan and Kalpvriksha. Once, it was the turn of the five kings to gather in the city of the Brahma Raja. Therefore, the other four kings came there. They all spent most of their time there, enjoying themselves and playing. But when Brahmadutta turned twelve years old, suddenly, an unbearable pain arose in the Brahma Raja's head, and he died from it. After the Brahma Raja's death rituals, the four kings, Katak and the others, like a tangible remedy, met and discussed seriously and decisively, "Brahmadutta is still a child. Until he becomes an adult, one of us should stay here as a guardian to protect the kingdom." The friend-kings agreed to this and appointed Dirgha Raja to stay there to protect the kingdom. The other three friend-kings returned to their respective places. Just as a bull (सांढ) enters a field and grazes everything when it sees the field unprotected, similarly, Dirgha, with his foolish mind, also began to plunder the wealth of the kingdom.