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## The Harm of Believing in False Gods, Teachers, and Dharma
**Yoga Shastra, Second Light, Verses 12-14:**
**Verse 12:** No word is possible without a speaker, it is considered impossible. Even if such a word exists, it is not proof. Because the authenticity of words depends on the true speaker, the wise person.
**Explanation:** A word spoken by a person is called a "paurusheya" word. What is spoken through the impact of the throat, palate, etc., and their causes, is called a word. Therefore, any word will be "paurusheya" - created by the effort of a person. An "apaurusheya" word is contradictory, like a flower in the sky (or a speck of dust in the sky), impossible, and cannot be proven by any evidence. Nor can it be called intangible and invisible. Because words are tangible, only a tangible and embodied being can speak them; not an incorporeal or intangible being. If you consider the sound of clapping hands as proof, then this statement is also not true. Because believing that sound originates from clapping or snapping fingers leads to the opposite fault of "apaurusheya". Even for a single word, the need for the throat, palate, etc., the instrument, and the impact is felt, then for other words like it, the need for the place, instrument, etc., will also be required. And then, even if the place, etc., are not visible in figurative words, how will their "apaurusheya" nature, expressing their implied meaning, be possible? If a lamp is lit in a householder's house to see yogurt and a pot, then it also reveals the bread, like the yogurt, etc. Therefore, by the aforementioned logic, the "apaurusheya" nature of a word is not proven. (Nyaya Man. p. 195) Even if we accept the word as "apaurusheya" like a flower in the sky, etc., based on the habit of unauthenticity, it will still not be considered proof. Because only words spoken by a wise person are considered proof; not other words. Since the quality in a word is created by the speaker, how can the quality be transferred (attributed) to the words of a flawed speaker? There is no recognition of such words; which have no speaker, or because of the absence of a speaker, the words cannot remain with qualities without a support.
And whether these words have qualities or not? This can also be determined only by "paurusheya" words. Since there is no human creator of the Vedic words, there is no doubt whether they have qualities or not.
**Verse 13:** Dharma, taught by those with false views, and contaminated by violence, etc., even if it is known as Dharma in the world, is the cause of worldly wandering.
**Explanation:** Dharma taught by those with opposing views (contaminated by extreme views), like Rudra, Daityari, Viranchi, Kapil, Sugata, etc., and accepted by simple-minded people, even if it is famous in the world, is still a cause of birth and death in the four realms of existence, and is therefore a form of "adharma". Why and how? In response, it is said that this Dharma is contaminated by violence, etc. And scriptures created by those with false views are often contaminated by violence, etc.
**Verse 14:** If a god is attached, a teacher is not celibate, and Dharma is devoid of compassion, then it is a great pity! It is because of these that the world is sinking.
**Explanation:** If a god is filled with attachment, hatred, and delusion, a teacher is not celibate and indulges in the five great sins, like killing, etc., and Dharma is devoid of compassion and lacks fundamental and secondary qualities, and is prevalent in the world, then we are deeply saddened! It is a pity that because of such gods, teachers, and Dharma, the path to hell is increasing, and the world is falling into the abyss of destruction. Someone has said - If the gods who are considered worthy of worship are themselves attached and hateful; or are nihilists, drinking alcohol, eating meat, and killing living beings is Dharma, and the so-called Dharma teachers are attached to worldly pleasures, intoxicated by lust, and