The variant ferupt shows a later phonological development according to which 37 preceding is changed to g. Compare Old Guj. sfers < SGUIST < 5GHIT, 5411 < 37M< 3461107 < 375119. चितंताहँ (pp. 291) for चितंतह. Metrically also with the reading the Pāda would be short by one Mātrā. P-TE happiness that depends upon others. देविहि कोडि रमंतु. Here कोडि = कोडिइ. In later Ap. and Old Guj. the instrumental singular ending following an i-stem is omitted. 37595-9595. bablings and prattlings. A reduplicative formed from वडवड i.e. बडबड (Guj. बडबड , itself a reduplicated onomatopoeia). EVET. The original meaning is ‘useless bothersome activities and undertakings of the practical life. Compare DKG. p.136. Later on it come to mean business undertaking'.
Turner 6727. 8. The emendation कलत्तहि is supported by the variant कलत्तहं. 9, 13, 52 gifta = onlara ‘artificial, artifically created' as correctly
understood by Caillat. 11. ag. Here = fa < 3719 seems out of place. The text
seems to be corrupt. We require something like a fe falfacile E FOT773.