The Eleventh Anga
[ I. Lect. 2.
to go out of his house at midnight alone, unfrightened, with his loins girt up and with his armour on (here the rest to be supplied § 9, down. to) taking his weapons and missiles, to the place where the cow-shed was situated; and having: done so he cut off (here the rest to be supplied § 10, down to) of many cattle of the city having masters or having no masters. And having done so he used to go to his house; and then that cattle-entrapper Gottāsaa tasting and enjoying wine (6, here the rest to be supplied, down to) passed his time. Then that cattle-entrapper Gottasaa, whose acts were of this type (here the rest to be supplied §§ 5-6), having accumulated great sin and having lived his long life of five hundred years and falling into evil and miserable thoughts at the time of death and having met with death at the time of his surcease here, was born as a hell-being in the second region of hell the maximum duration of life in which is said to be three Sagarovamas.
12. Now, that merchant Vijayamitta had a wife named Subhadda who was jāyaninduyā' (a woman who gives birth to dead children). She bore children who met with death when they were born. Then that cattle-entrapper Gottasaa, having afterwards come out from the second region of hell, was born as a son in this very city of Vaniyagama, in the womb of Subhadda the wife of the merchant Vijayamitta. Then at a