§12. ]
certain time when full nine months of pregnancy were over that house'wife Subhaddā gave birth to the son. Then that Subhadda house'wife got that boy, as soon as he was born, to be thrown on a solitary dung-hill and having done so she got him to be taken back a second time and having done so she duly protecting and concealing him reared him up. Then the parents of that boy performed with great prosperity and reception Thiivadiyā" (a rite performed at the birth of a child, perhaps for wishing him long life), the rite of 'exposing the child to the sun and the moon' at its birth which is done on the th rd day after the birth and the rite Jagariya' at which relatives keep religious wakefulness during the sixth night. Then when the eleventh day was over and the twelfth day came the parents of that boy gave him the following significant name true to its sense: 'because our son was thrown away on a solitary dung-hill as soon as he was born therefore let him be Ujziyaya-the abandoned by name.' Then that boy Ujziyaya being taken care of by the five nurses viz. (1) the milk-nurse, (2) the bathing-nurse, (3) the decoration-nurse, (4) the play-nurse and (5) the lap-nurse, (here he is to be described exactly as Dadhapainna in the Uvavai Sutta, down to) without any obstacles like a good champaka' plant (which grows happily) in the sheltered place of a mountainvalley. Then at a certain time that merchant Vijayamitta having taken the four kinds of