The Eleventh Anga [ I. Lect. 2. .thinking. I shall so manage that your pregnancydesire will be satisfied." He, thills, consoled her with these agreeable (5) (here the rest to be supplied down to ) words. Then that formidable cattle-entrapper on a certain midnight went out · of his house alone, unafraid, having girt up his loins (here the the rest to be supplied down to) taking weapons wish him, and having done so, went through the middle of the city of Hatthināura to where the cow-shed was and cut off the udders of some of the many cattle of the city (here the rest 10 be supplied down to ) of bulls ( here the rest to be supplie:d down to ) cut off the dewlaps of some, and he cut off (flesh ) from various limbs of some, and having done so he went to his own place and took them to his wife lppalā. Then that his wife Uppalā satisfied that her pregnancy-desire by devouring wine together with those many pieces of flesh of the limbs of cows etc. Then that Uppalā, the wife of the cattleentrapper, whose pregnancy-desire was fulfilled, whose pregnancy-desire was respected, whose pregnancy-desire was satisfied, whose pregnancydesire was satiated (lit. cut off ie, the obstacle in the desire being cut off ) and who fully enjoyed her pregnancy-desire, bore that foetus very happily. Then at a certain time that Uppalā, the wife of the cattle-entrapper, after full nine months of her pregnancy were over, gave birth to a son.
11. Then that boy, as soon as he was born,