and full of chopped hairs, at the rate of one fragment per century. 3. आउक्खएणं [ ३ ] = आउक्खएर्ण भवक्खएणं टिइक्खएणं; अभयदेव on भगवती II. 1. lef 129 (a) 'आउक्खएणं' आयुष्ककर्मदलिक निर्जरणेन 'भवक्खणं' ति देवभवनिबंधन भूतकर्मणां गत्यादीनां निर्जरणेन ठिइक्खणं 'ति आयुष्ककर्णण:स्थितेर्वेदनेन ।
72. 5 जमाली A Kshtriya Prince, the son-in -law of Mahavira who received initiation into the Order from him and afterwards founded a sect. See भगवती IX 33 7 थावच्चापुत्त [ स्थावत्यापुत्र ] See नाया ० 5. He was the son of a rich merchant's wife named स्थावत्या. He took intitiation in the Order from अरिष्टनेमि. कण्ह वासुदेव was the king who performed his withdrawal ceremony. 19 संस and अणुज्झियधम्मियं see अभयदेव com. P. 107. read तंपिय उज्झियधम्मियं, नो चेव णं अणुज्झियधम्मियं । 20 समणमाहणअतिहिकिaraणीमगा see. अभयदेव Com. P. 107.
75. 8 छल्ली = Guj छाल; 9. पाउया = पादुका Guj पाउडी 13. कलसंगलिया = A pod of kala; Barnett's Ms. has a Guj. gloss कळथो = कुलित्थ; my Ms. D. कल धान्यविशेष तेहनी · फली;संगलिया=सं० संकलिका; Guj. सांगर. मुग्ग = मुद्ग Guj. मग; मास = माष: Guj Gloss of D. [ अडदनी फली ].
75. 1, जंघा = feet 2 Instead of कंकाजंघा read काकजंघा ; see अभयदेव Com. P. 109; ढेणियालिया cf. 1. 5 of this page; अभयदेव comments पक्षिविशेषौ; he suggests also ढेणिकाल:-तिड्डुः as an alternative; my D. Ms.