II 35. 4 52. नारकदेवानामुपपातः ॥३९॥ औपपातिकचरमदेहोत्तमपुरुषाऽसंख्येयवर्षायुषोऽनपवायुषः ।५२१] For दसाओ [:See. Notes. P. 97].
87. 3-5. चन्दिमसोहम्मीसाण [ जाव ]...उववण्णे ।-See Appendix III for the full explanation. 6 परिणिव्वाणवत्तियं [परिनिर्वाणप्रत्ययं] परिनिर्वाणं तत्र यच्छरीरस्स परिष्ठापनं तदपि परिनिर्वाणमेव तदेव प्रत्ययः हेतुर्यस्य परिनिर्वाणप्रत्ययः अतस्तं। अभयदेव on भगवती II. 1. leaf 129 (a) काउस्सगं-[ कायोत्सर्ग ] an act of stopping all the activities of the body; this cessation was with a view to the extinction of the body; therefore the monks who were with जालि took his bowl and robes [पत्तचीवराई (पात्रचीवराणि)] 9. आयारभंडए [ आचारभांडकः ] An ascetic's implements such as alms-bowl, soft-brush etc.
68. 1. सागरोवमाई [सागरोपमानि] A measure of time, age of the gods and hell-beings, which is equal to ten क्रोडाकोडी पल्योपमs. Barnett: “A सागरोवम period is 1,000,000,000,000,000 times as long as a पलि
ओवम-i. e. according to some, the time necessary to empty, at the rate of one hair in every cen. tury, a well of 100 yojanas iu every dimension so densely packed with hairs that a river could flow over them without any water sinking between ther'. According to others ( e. g. रत्नशेखर, लघुक्षेत्रसमास, 92) a पलिओवम is the time needed to empty a cavern one yojana in every dimension