of time passed in each series of this penance is 5 times 2+3+4+5+6 days, or 100 days i, e, months and 10 days." anta's explanation is much better. For the chart see Comm. of an P. 104.
There will be such four series in this penance; and the fast-breaking days in the respective series will be observed exactly as those in case of रयणावली.-i. e ( 1 ) सव्वकामगुणिय ( 1st series ) (2) fang (2nd series) (3) (3rd series) (4) arifa (4th series).
In all, the days of four series will be 1 year, 1 month and 10 days=400 days.
fast-day, 2 the series
60. 26. महालयं सव्वओभद्द [ महासर्वतोभद्रं तपःकर्म ] This penance is only the larger form of खुड्डागसव्वओभद्दं. As in the latter, etc=1 full full fast-days and so on. Instead of 1-5 in the latter, we shall have here the series from 1-7 i. e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and every next line to be begun from the middle number of the previous line till in all there must be made 7 lines, e. g. second line will be begun from 4 which is the middle number of the first line i. e. the line will be 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3. महगाथा of अभयदेव rendered in sanskrit will be:एकादिसप्तां स्थापयित्वा मध्यं तु अनुपंक्ति । शेषान् क्रमशः स्थापयितुं जानिहि