Agradata. II Each line will have in varied arrangements number 1-7x7 lines=196 days+49. argura days=245 days or 8 months and five days; such four series=2 years, 8 months, 20 days. पारणक days in four series as in those of रयणावलो.
61. 24. HERFSTİSH [ Halacalah 29:27 ] The penance is of course of the group 516171819, खुशाग and महालय सव्वओमद्द. Here full 718191516 fast-days are to be counted as in 9151617181 atas penances e. g. CareSe i.e. 1617181915W? fasts until the twelfth meal=full 18191516171*** 5 fast-days and so on. Thus there will be in the first line, the regular numbers, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, the second line is to be made by taking the middle number 7 of the previous i. e. the first line and proceed in a regular order i. e. 8, 9, 5, 6 and so on until 5 lines, izpienaldi Fafecar मध्यं तु आदिः अनुपंक्ति । शेषान् क्रमशः स्थापयितुं जानिहि भद्रोत्तर क्षुद्रं ॥ is the Sanskrit rendering of संग्रहगाथा given by Buza in his commentary. In the first line 5-9=35 daysx5 lines=175 days fast-days+25 qreure days 200 days i. e. 6 months 20 days in one series So four series will have 2 years, 2 months and 20 days. The artura days in four series are to be like those in the four series in torat penance.
After the commentary on ETETÉSHT, Boca