नवनवमिय and दसदसमिय to be calculated similarly.
60. 4. Ciri 46931the (ScanIHz] The chart of this penance will be found in spiaga's commentary. Here Barnett follows 3777&a in the full fastday calculation considering n = 1 full fast day. Barnett remarks “ If we leave out of account the days on which the fast is broken by a meal and reckon only the days when both meals are neglected (54978) so that a 'fası until the fourth me al counts only as one 399ra." Then he proceeds to give the chart of the scheme of this penance which is the same as that of 3772aa's In order to explain properly the scheme of this penance अभयदेव gives the स्थापनोपायगाथा in Prakrit. the Sanskrit rendering of which will be:-arginia स्थापयित्वा मध्य तु आदिरनुपंक्ति। शेषान् क्रमशः स्थापयितुं जानिहि लघुHaditha ll i.e. one has to arrange in order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; then in the second line 3, which is the middle number, will from the first number of the 2nd line i. e, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2; and so on until 5 lines. Now each line will have the number from 1-5 of course in changed arrangements; one line therefore will give us 15 fast days ~ 5 lines = 75 fast-days + 25 mora days = 100 days in one series. *Barnett does not actually make the mention of cur4 days; he says "The actual length