(P. 99.) connects it with मुट् or कुट् with अव. Pischel. Grammatik § 232.
14. 9. ff. The whole vow briefly means this that he upto this time of course observed अणुव्रतs or minor vows which a pious to observe; now he takes to महात्रत observed by those who take to Mark thus the change from थूल to सव्व and सदारसंतोस to मेहुणपच्चक्खाण etc. See तत्त्वार्थसूत्र VII. 15.
42. 3. सागरं पडिमं [ साकारां प्रतिमां ] See. भगवती VII. ii.Sutra 272. Standard that is observed with cartain option. Here the option or fat is in the last lines of the vows he takes.
man has
which are
ascetic life.
44. 14. अप्पेगइया [ अपि + एककिका : ] some; cf. अत्येगइया [अस्ति+एककिक: ] some there is i. e. some one. 45. 6. अपरितंतजोगी According to अभयदेव अ + परि[a to be tired-past participle] not weary in self-control' 11. बिलमिव पण्णगभूएणं तमाहारं आहारे Barnett notes "A snake gliding into its hole does not let its flanks graze the sides of the hole; and the friar eating food allow it to rouse any feeling of the reverse, but swallows it in utter indifference. Thus the com: and we may compare the rule forbidding monks to roll their food from one side of the mouth to the other in order to enjoy its taste. (Ayar I. Vii. 6. 2.) But the vague words
does not relish or