of our text fasthan goopora poi 379pui HTET Breite, suggest also the idea expanded in मेधंकार's जिनचरित (ver. 208 of the Colombo edition.) qezatanida" saecü faarfez agafara sfat faza i 'The stout (Buddha, when for the first time he had to eat scraps of food given as alms, like a snakecharmer) restrained the snake of his bowels from issuing from its hole in his body by the spell of contemplation '-i, e., by force of will and throught he kept his gorge from rising at the unsavoury mess.
50. 12. "Arefe-See the footnote 101. Texto P. 50; also the comm. sparian P. 100-101.
51. 9. जहा उदायणे-For उदायन see भगवती XIII. 6. Jerm. He was the king of Kosambi and son of सयानीय by मिगावई. the danghter of चेडग, the king of Vesali.
51. 18. ff. These two memorial verses are peculiar in their metrical form. The first verse has three feet of आर्या and the last one of अनुष्टुभ् ;. the second verse has three feet of Bagh and the fourth of erf. It may be noted how corrupted they are. For metrical looseness e. g. P. 6. 1-2; P. 53. 7-9. etc.
53. 4. The whole of this Division is taken up to describe various kinds of penances. They