The name of a country सयदुवारे [ शतद्वार ] the name of a city in the country of where Kanha will be born as the 12th अर्हत् by the name of अमम.
29. 12-13. etc, shows that the Jaina Monks can return to their normal household life if they found the discipline of Ascetic-life hard. Buddhism also allowed this. 23. while translating I have included the expression within the inverted commas while Barnett has left it out as a directory expression.
32. 14. This expression is spelt in a variety of ways-g- meaning 'to waste away'; अभयदेव connects it with जुष् see. भगवती II 1. leaf. 127. संलेहणाझूषणाझूषियस्स... संलिख्यते कृशीक्रियतेऽनयेति संलेखना - तपस्तस्याः जोषणा सेवा तया जुष्टः सेवितः जुषितो वा क्षपितो यः स तथा । Hem. VIII. 4. 258 ज्झोसियं क्षिप्तं । I would like to connect it with ध्वस्
34. 13. जहा पण्णत्तीए the other name for
गंगदत्ते - पण्णत्ती व्याख्याप्रज्ञप्ति the fifth scripture of the Jain Canon. The story of the householder गंगदत्त see भगवती XVI. 5.
36. 1. पत्थियपिडगाई [ प्रस्थिकापिटकानि ] both have the same meaning baskets.
37. 10.
अवओडयणंधणयं etc. See, a. Com..