form of भदंत or भदंत; may be connected with भवत् * your honour' or some such expression used to address the teacher or the precepter.
आदिकरण-अभयदेव on भगवती P. 8 (a) आदौ प्रथमतः श्रतधर्म-आचारादिग्रंथात्मकं करोति-तदर्थप्रणायकत्वेन प्रणयतीत्येवंशील: आदिकरः ।
2. 14. बारवइ — Dwaraka'; the site of modern Dwarka is far away; the city of Dwāraka it appears was formerly near tqa or Girnār Hills.
2. 15. पासादिया [सं. प्रासादित P. P. of the Denominative of ST ) Comforting; , it is spelt also as प्रासादीय-सं. प्रासादीय (a doubtful form) which is generally given.
3. 15. महब्बल or महाबल: The story occurs in भगवती. It has been quoted in full by P. L. Vaidya in his Ed. of निरयावलिओ. P. 97. f.
4. I. 'चउन्विहा देवा' उमास्वाति's तत्त्वार्थाधिगम० अ० ४. सू० • देवाश्चतुनिकायाः।-They are भवनवासी, व्यंतर, ज्योतिष्क and वैमानिक. also ibid. अ. ४. सू. ११-१७.
4. 2. मेह [मेघः] His story See. नाया. अज्झ १. - 4. 7. सामाइयमाइयाइं [सामाथिकादिकानि ] the intervening म् is simply euphonic cf. अब्भुग्गयमूसिए [अभ्युद्गतोच्छ्रितः ] अणु०P.71.1.15 सामाइयमाइयाइ=the Laws of Peace,
etc. i.e. six आवश्यकs of which the सामायिक is the firstother five are चउविसत्थो, वंदनक, प्रतिक्रमण, कायोत्सर्ग and प्रत्याख्यान. 'To observe सामायिक properly, the