worshipper should withdraw early morning, at mid-day and at evening into a quiet spot, where with motionless body ( standing or sitting in the UTCAST pose ) and folded hands he meditatesfixedly upon his soul, the divinity of the Jina etc. thrice bowing his head four times to each of the four quarters." ( Barnett. ) It is connected by some with 'समय' and by others with ‘सम्म, साम्य, समाय' (com. on उवासग०)...relying upon the latter the expression is translated 'Laws of Peace etc.'
4. 7. अरिहा=(right form अरहा ). This corruption as in many other cases dates very early; see अभयदेव on भगवती leaf 3 (a) अरहताणं अर्हद्रयः । अरिहंताणं ति पाठान्तरं, तत्र कर्मारिहन्तृभ्यः । 'अरुहंताणमित्यपि पाठान्तरं ...'अरोहद्भ्यः' अनुपजायमानेभ्यः क्षीणकर्मबीजत्वात् ।।
4. 16. खंदओ=The story of स्कंदक see भगवती JI. 1.
4. 17. बारस भिक्खुपडिमाओ • Twelve Monastic Standards' cf. अभयदेव on भगवती explaining मासिय भिक्खुपडिमं ( II. 1. Leaf. 124 (b)) 'मासिय'ति मासपरिमाणां 'भिक्खुपडिमेति भिक्षुचितमभिग्रहविशेषं । एतत् स्वरूपं च 'गच्छा विणिक्ख. मित्ता पडिवज्जइ मासियं महापडिमं ॥ दत्तगभोयणस्सा पाणस्सवि एग ना मास ॥१॥ नन्वयमेकादशांगधारी पठितः । प्रतिमाश्च विशिष्टश्रुतवानेव करोति । Out of these 12 Monastic Standards, the first seven are observed for a month each, the