totala I to be taken in locative or instrumental according to अभयदेव.
1. 3. 349 antarag · The Elder Sudharman arrived.' Sudharman was the fifth of the eleven 7074ts who were taught by herafter himself. Brigada became the head of the church after Arrate and was succeeded by się. The scripture is declared by gatha to sq. The Mss. of our text do not indicate the addition of the description of gas but in any case it must be added. For it, see aplo leaves 1 (b) & 2 (a) also sta. $25 with modification.
1. 5. qereit-Past lense 3rd person sing. The same form is also used in plural e. g. sjao To P. 37. 67.; formed from the sigmatic Aorist (4th variety) with the augment 37 dropped. Cf. the rule restricted to vowel-endirig roots ( Hem. VIII. iii. 162 ). This is more often spelt by Mss, as geife or qfa. In Pali, for example in the Suttas of Hfnfaapit (Ed. Bhagavat & Rajawade ) the fornial beginning has an expression Byråafe equivalent to paret e. g. ge À gà got HHiHITT सावत्थियं विहरति जेतवने अनाथपिण्डिकस्स आरामे । तत्र खो भगवा भिक्खू आमंतेसि । 'भिकखवोति। 'भदंते'ति ते भिक्खू भगवतो पच्चस्सोसुं etc.
1. 6. sa. Voc. sing. cf. a (Pali). Short