Mansions, are preached, sir, by the Ascetic (until] attained ?"
“ Thus, indeed, Jambu, ten lessons of the First Division of the Fortunes of those who were reborn in the Highest Mansions are preached by the Ascetic [until] attained namely,
Jāli, Mayāji, Uvayali, Purisasena, and Vāriseņa; Dikadanta and Latthadanta, Vehalla, Vehāyasa and Prince Abha-a,"
“If, sir, ten lessons are preached of the First Division by the Ascetic [until] attained, what, sir, is the matter of the first lesson of the Fortunes of those who are reborn in the Highest Mansions, preached by the Ascetic [until] attained ?"
“ Thus indeed, Jambū, in that age, at that time, there was a city of Rayagiha, splendid, tranquil and prosperous...the san. ctuary Punn abhadda... The king Seniya...the queen Dhárini...the lion in a dream...the prince Jax, like Meha...the gifts of eight each ... [until]... enjoyed up in the palace [etc.] The Master arrived, Seniya went out. Like Meha,