Jali also went out. Like Meha, he also withdrew. He studied the Eleven Scriptures. (He observed) Gunarayana mortification like Khanda-a. His narrative the same as that of Khanda-a, the same ponderings, the same farewell; so did he climb on the Viula with the Elders. Only having fulfilled the period of friarship for sixteen years, he attained death in the death-month went upward far beyond the Heavens of Moon, Suhamma [until] Araṇa, Accua, beyond the series of the Mansions of Nine Gevejjas and was reborn as a god in the Mansion Vijaya. Then the Elders, knowing that Friar Jali has come to death, left the body as was fit for extinction. They take his pot and garments; come down in the same way [until]"Here, sir, is his religious equipment.' The reverend Goyama [ until] thus said,
"Thus indeed the disciple of the Beloved of Gods, named Jāli was gracious by nature. Where has that Friar dead, gone; where is he reborn
Jali who is
Thus, indeed, Goyama, my pupil (the same as that of Khanda-a) [ until] who is dead, (having gone beyond the Heavens of)