In that age, at that time...a city of Rayagiha. The arrival of the reverend Suhamma...The congregation went out [ until ] Jumbu waited before him [etc.]. Thus he said,
"If, sir, by the Ascetic [until] attained this matter of the Eighth Scripture-the Fortunes of the Endwinners, is preached, what, sir, is the matter of the Ninth Scripture, the Fortunes of those who were reborn in the Highest Mansions, preached by the Ascetic [ until] attained?"
Then Friar Suhamma said to Friar Jambu Thus indeed, Jambu three divisions of the Ninth Scripture, the Fortunes of those who were reborn in the Highest Mansions, are preached by the Ascetic [until] attained."
"If, sir, by the Ascetlc [until] attained three divisions are preached of the Ninth Scripture, the Fortunes of those who were reborn in the Highest Mansions, how many lessons of the First Division of the Fortunes of those who were reborn in the Highest