series; the fast-beaking days also the same. The period of the four series a year, a month and ten days, The rest the same as before [ until ] she was beatified.
The conclusion. The Sixth Lesson ends. [Sutra. 22.]
So also Virakaṇhā. Only she abode observing the Long Savvaobhadda Standard. It is as follows: she fasted until the fourth meal; then indulged in all modes of desire...... until the tenth meal; then indulged in all modes of desire.
In a single series eight months and five days; of four 2 years, 8 months and 20 days. The rest, the same as before (until] she was beatified. [Sūtra. 23.]
So also Rāmakanhā. Only she abode observing the Standard of Bhaddottara. That is as follows: she fasted until the twelfth meal; then indulged in all modes of desire...... until the sixteenth meal; then indulged in all modes of desire.
In one series, six months and twenty days. Of four was the period 2 years, 2 months and 20 days. The rest the same as was was with Kal] [until ] was beatified, [Sutra. 24.]