ten days, she took ten:doles of food and ten of water. .
So indeed this Monastic Standard of Ten-tens, she accomplished'according to the scriptures [etc.] in 100 days and nights with 550 alms-takings and abode exercising herself with many fasts until the fourth meal [etc), in various mortifications...( taking only one meal within ) a nionth or half a month.
Then that Nun Sukanhā by the noble mortification [etc) was beatified.
The conclusion. The Fifth Lesson [Sutra. 21.].
So also Mahākanhā; only she abode observing the Standard of Short Savvaobhadda. She fasted until the forth meal; then indulged in all modes of desire; fasted until the the sixth meal; then indulged in all modes of desire............she fasted until the eighth meal; then indulged in all modes of desire.
. So indeed she accomplished the first series of the Short Savvaobhadda in three months and ten days (until], in the second series, she fasted until the fourth meal; and took foods excepting Vigai foods,... the same here as was in Rayanāyals. Here also four