So also Piusepakanhā. Only, she abode observing the penance of Muttāvali. It is as follows: she fasted until the fourth meal; then indulged in all modes of desire...... until the thirty-fourth meal; then indulged in all modes of desire.
So also she followed in the descending order...... until she fasted until the fourth meal; then indulged in all modes of of desire. In one series 11 months and 15 days. Of four, 3 years and 10 months. The rest (the same) (until] beatified. [Sūtra 25. ]
So also Mahasenakanhā. Only she abode observing the penance of Ayambila-Vaddhamāna. It is as follows: she took one Āyambila meal; then fasted until the fourth meal; took two Āyambila meals; then fasted until the fourth meal...(so onwards), the number of Ayambila meals rising by an increment of one, accompained by a fast until the fourth meal [until] she took one hundred Ayambila meals; then fasted until the fourth meal.
Then that Nun Mahāsenakanhā accom. plished it according to the scriptures in 14 years, 3 months and 20 days and nights (until] well observed with the body [until]