maker with his wife Bandhumai. Hence: indeed it is better, Beloved of Gods, for us. to bind him fast ( i. e. by twisting the arms. and the head and tying them to the back ) and to have our pleasures full well with his wife Bandhumas. Then they swore this object to one another, hid behind the doors and stood hidden, silent, without a stir or without a wink. Then that garland-maker
Ajjunaya approached the shrine of Jakkha. Moggarapāni with his wife Bandhumai, did reverence on seeing it, made flower-offeringsof great worth and bowed down falling upon his knees. In the meanwhile those six fellows come out all of a sudden from behind the doors, catch the garland-maker Ajjunaya, bind him fast and regale themselves having pleasures to the fullest with Bandhumai, the wife of the garland-maker.
Then this was the inward thought of Ajjunaya, the garland-maker" Thus indeed, from my childhood, I go on doing reverence to Jakkha Moggarapani (until] carrying on my trade. Had there been Jakkha Moggarapāņi present here, would he have seen me coming to misery of this sort'? Therefore Jakkha Moggarapāni is not present here.