ached the temple of Jakkha, made the flower-offerings of great worth, bowed falling on the knees and thereafter would go on carrying on his trade on the high road.
Here in the city of Rayagiha, there dwelt a gang named Laliya (rich ( until ] unsurpassed ) to which whatever it did was a good action. There in the city of Rāyagiha, was, some other time a festival announced. Then that garland-maker Ajjunaya, under the idea 'I shall need more flowers on the morrow', took baskets early morning, with his wife Bandhuma! went out of his own house, passed through the city of Rayagiha, approached the flowergarden and made the collection of flowers with his wife Bandumai. Now, of that gang Laliyā six gangsters came to the shrine of Jakkha and were having there a good time. Then that garland-maker Ajju. naya gathered flowers with his wife Bandhumai, took the foremost and best flowers and approached the shrine of Moggarapāni. Now those six fellows saw the garland-maker Ajjunaya, coming over with his wife Bandhumai' and said thus to one another “Here, Beloved of Gods, comes Ajjunaya the garland