43 King Seņiya; the queen Chellanā [ a description ). Here in Rāyagiha dwelt a garland-maker named Ajjunaya (rich: [until ] unsurpassed ). This garland-maker Ajjunaya had a wife named Bandhumai [ tender etc. ). This garland-maker Ajjunaya had one big Aower-garden here outside the city of Rāyagiha. (The garden was ) black [ until ] like a mass of clouds, blossoming with the flowers of five kinds... pleasing [4]. Not very far from this flower-garden, here, this garland-maker Ajjunaya had a shrine of Jakkha Moggarapāņi which had devolved upon him from a line of many ancesters of the family, from grand-father great-grandfather, great-great-grand-father. Ancient, divine, true, [etc.] just lik: Punnabhadda.
There the idol of Moggarapani stood having held the iron mace made of thousand palas. Then that garland-maker Ajjunaya was the devotee of Jakkha Moggarapāni from the very childhood. Every morning, he took baskets, went out of the city of Rayagiha, arrived at the flower-garden, made the collection of flowers. Then he took the foremost and best flowers, appro