Very clear it is that this is merely a piece of wood.”
Then that Jakkha Moggarapāni, having understood the inward thought of such sort [etc.] of Ajjunaya, the garland-maker, entered his body, shattered off his bonds, took hold of his iron mace of the weight of thousand palas, killed those six fellows with the woman as the seventh. Then that garlandmaker Ajjunaya, possessed by Jakkha Moggarapani, went on killing six men with a woman as the seventh, round about the city of Rāyagiha, every day.
In the city of Rayagiha (in open places [until] on high roads) many people used to say [4] to one another thus “ Thus, indeed, Beloved of Gods, the gariand-maker Ajjunaya possessed by Moggarapani, goes on killing six persons with a woman as the seventh."
Then king Seniya, having understood the matter of this story called his chamberlains [etc) and said thus, “Thus indeed, Beloved of Gods, that garland-maker Ajjunaya [etc.] goes on killing [etc.]. No one of you, must go on wandering according to sweet will for wood, grass, water flowers and fruits, lest