About the Book Samyaktva'is an important concept of Jainism. According to the Jains, Samyaktva forms path of salvation. Thus Samyaktva is a necessary condition for attaining the ultimate goal of emancipation from the bonds of karman and the resulting cycle of birth and death.
The candidate has attempted to investigate the all important concept of “Samyaktva" through the vast and varied history of Jainism. She has studied or consulted all the important works on the subject and presented a complete account of the gradual development and ramifications of the concept. The thesis is thus an important contribution to the study and understanding of Jainism.
The candidate has gone through the original sources and throughout a vast array of facts in support of her contentions. She has analysed these facts in an objective way and arrived at conclusions which are logical and sensible. The study provides ample proof of the hard labour put in by the candidate and of her capacity to judge the issues in an unbiassed manner.
The literary presentation of the book is mostly lucid, relevant and precise.
- Dr. M.C. Pathak Prof. of Sanskrit, Sukhadia
University, Udaipur (Raj.)