NOTES: IV 414-418
"How are huts on fire when my lover is at home ( गोष्ठ ) ? He will certainly extinguish them either by the blood of his enemy or by his own ". Here वलन्ति stands for ज्वलन्ति.
For धूमु कहंतिहु see 415. 1.
417. For जइ भग्गा पारकडा see 379. 2.
418. ( 1 ) प्रियसंगमे कथं निद्रा प्रियस्य परोक्षे कथम् ।
मया द्वे अपि विनाशिते निद्रा नैवं न तथा ॥
"How can I get sleep when in company of my lover? How can I have it when he is away ? To me both ( kinds of sleep) are lost; I shall not have sleep this way or that
For गुणहिं न संपय see 335. 1.
(2) कान्तः यत् सिंहेन उपमीयते तन्मम खण्डितः मानः । सिंहः नरिक्षकान् गजान् हन्ति प्रियः पदरक्षैः समम् ॥
“ It puts down my pride (I am ashamed to see) that my lover is compared to a lion; for a lion kills elephants without watchman, while my lover kills them along with bodyguards. ".
( 3 ) चवलं जीवितं ध्रुवं मरणं प्रिय रुष्यते कथम् ।
भविष्यन्ति दिवसा रोषयुक्ताः ( रूसणा ) दिव्यानि वर्षशतानि ॥ "Life is fickle; death is certain; my lover, how can one afford to be angry? For days on which one is angry, will appear (long like) hundred years of gods."
For मं धणि करहि विसाउ see 385.1.
( 4 ) माने प्रनष्टे यदि न तनुः तत् देशं त्यजेः । मा दुर्जनकरपल्लवैः दर्श्यमानः भ्रमः ॥
"When your honour is lost, you should abandon your country if not the body. Do not move in that country being pointed out by the fingers of wicked persons.
( 5 ) लवणं बिलीयते पानीयेन अरे खल मेघ मा गर्ज ।
ज्वालितं गलति तत्कुटीरकं गौरी तिम्यति अद्य ॥
" Salt ( beauty ) is melted by water; O wicked cloud, do not thunder; for the hut which is burnt, would dripple