NOTES : I 358-365
683 ___359. The pronouns यत् , तत् and किम् have अहे (डहे) as the Gen. sing. termination in the feminine gender. जहे केरउ, i. e., यस्याः कृते etc.
360. The Nom. and Acc. sing. of यत् and तत् have respectively j and optionally.
(1) प्राङ्गणे तिष्ठति नाथः यत् तद् रणे करोति न भ्रान्तिम् । ." As my lover stands in the courtyard, he does not wander on the battle-field. The Com. takes plan to mean संदेह. I take it to mean भ्रमण.
(2) तत् जल्प्यते यनिर्वहति । " That is uttered (said ) which he accomplishes. "
361. The Nom. and Acc. sing. of इदम् , n. is इमु; इमु कुलु is इदं कुलम्. . .
362. The Nom. and Acc. sing. of एतद् is एह, f.; एहो m.; and एडु, n.
(1) एषा कुमारी एष ( अहं ) नरः एतन्मनोरथस्थानम् ।
एतत् मूर्खाणां चिन्तमानानां पश्चाद् भवति विभातम् ॥ " "This is the young maid, and here (I am) the man; this is the seat of my cherished desire ;' when fools are thus thinking (without trying to satiate their love ) the dawn comes immediately after." ___363. The Nom. and Acc. plu. of एतद् is एइ. For illustration see 330. 4.
364. The Nom. and Acc. plu. of अदसू is ओइ. ... (1) यदि पृच्छथ महान्ति ( वड्डाइं ) गृहाणि तद् महान्ति गृहाणि अमूनि ।
विह्वलितजनाभ्युद्धरणं कान्तं कुटीरके पश्य ॥
"If you inquire about big houses, then there they are ; but behold my lover in the hut here who helps people in distress."
365. The pronoun gw becomes are for declensional purposes.. (1) इमानि लोकस्य लोचनानि जाति स्मरन्ति न भ्रान्तिः ।
अप्रिये दृष्टे मुकुलन्ति प्रिये दृष्टे विकसन्ति ॥