takes Teaty as Vocative, meaning the lover who shows but scant courtesy to his sweet-heart. Aeft or af is a particle expressing sense of surprise; for even the mind which is atomic in size has no room between her breasts. fara means Hia; see IV. 421. Here all words in are Gen. sing. forms. (2) F98724A: ETİ BAHIZI ait: q29121 (=qzlage ) #1 muni Ha 11: BITCAIO aparit:, giat fach
. “What kindness can those breasts have or others when they burst out (come out by. bursting ) her own heart; O young men, keep yourself away from the young woman (ata); (for) her breasts have now become full (fach ), heart-rending." As the author takes arose as Ablative sing, I am forced to construe the verse as above against the Com. The word egy is used in a double sense, heart and breast..
351. The Abl. and Gen. plu. termination of feminine nouns is g. (1) Hai (=819) N TanTA: TA 2777212: $17: I.
अलजिष्यत् वयस्याभ्यः यदि भग्नः गृहं ऐष्यत् ॥ " It was well, O sister, that my husband was killed (in battle); he would have been put to shame in the presence of my friends if he had returned home defeated.” ET, compare भले Marathi, भला Hindi; for महारा and हमारा, compare हमारा Hindi. लजिज्जन्तु and एन्तु are the present participles used as conditional. See III. 180. piftste is either Abl. or Gen. Plural.
352. The Loc. sing. of faminine nouns takes it as termination.
(1) 17h JET: ITT ET: HENTI .
. अर्धानि वलयानि मह्यां गतानि अर्धानि स्फुटितानि तटिति ॥ “As the lover was all of a sudden sighted by a lady who was driving away the ( crowing ) crows, half of her bracelets dropped down on the earth and the (rest) half