NOTES : IV 344-360
This rule is an exception to IV. 344. For अङ्गुलिउ etc. see 388.1.
सुन्दरसर्वाङ्गीः विलासिनीः प्रेक्षमाणानाम् ।
"Of (young men ) looking at lovely women having all-beautiful limbs."
349. The Inst. sing. termination of feminine words is ए.. (1) निजमुखकरैः अपि मुग्धा करं अन्धकारे प्रतिप्रेक्षते ।
शशिमण्डलचन्द्रिकया पुनः किं न दूरे पश्यति ॥ “ The fair lady sees her hand in darkness by the help of the rays of her ( moon-like ) face; why should she not see the object at a distance when she has the light of the full-moon?" Pischel reads Pet in place of in the first line which gives better sense. काई is किम् and not कथम् as the Com. takes it. We get here चान्दमए Inst. sing. जहिं etc. (2) यत्र मरकतकान्त्या संवलितम्, "where ( an object )is surrounded by the lustre of emerald.” Here we have कन्तिए as Inst. sing..
. 360. The Abl. and Gen. Sing. termination of feminine nouns is हे. . .... (1) तुच्छमध्यायाः तुच्छजल्पनशीलायाः ।
तुच्छाच्छरोमावल्याः तुच्छरागायाः तुच्छतरहासायाः । प्रियवचनमलभमानायाः तुच्छकायमन्मथानवासायाः ॥ अन्यद् यत्तुच्छं तस्याः धन्यायाः तदाख्यातुं न याति ।
आश्चर्य स्तनान्तरं मुग्धायाः येन मनो वर्त्मनि न माति ॥ .... " It is impossible to mention what is small ( तुच्छ)
or atomic of that fair lady who has slender waist, who talks little, who has a small and pretty line of hair (on her belly), who shows but little affection and very faint smile, who has got her form slender as she did not hear any news of her lover; and wonder, the space between her breasts is so small that even) mind or spirit (that is atomic) is not contained (has no room) in the way (i. e., the space between her breasts). The Com.