288. and are respectively changed to
and in A. This also is one of the principal rules of this dialect. शालशे stands for सारसः and पुलिशे for पुरुषः .
लहशवश etc.;
. रभस-वश- नम्र सुर-शिरो- विगलित-मन्दार-राजितांघ्रियुगः । वीरजिनः प्रक्षालयतु मम सकलमवद्यजम्बालम् ॥
"May, the Conqueror, wash away all dirt () of sinful deeds,-the Conqueror, whose pair of feet are decked by मन्दार flowers dropped down ( विगलित ) from heads of gods bent (before him) in haste and reverence." This verse illustrates all the characteristics of the dialect, namely, the ch;6nge of र, स, त, ज, and द्य to ल, स, द, य, घ्यः and Nom. sing. in .
289-298. These Sutras describe the changes that conjuncts undergo in . From these rules it will be seen that the operation of the process of assimilation is partially suspended in मागधी. Thus we can have in मागधी conjuncts like स्ख, स्प, स्न, स्ट, स्त, श्व, स्क and y which are not found in other Prakrit dialects. It may be remarked here that the passages found in dramas in classical Sanskrit do not always show the dialect in accordance with these rules probably because copyists are responsible for their corruption.
292. ज, द्य and य become य in मागधी. In माहाराष्ट्री य is changed to, but in this dialect it is not. Initial also is changed to य; ०.g, यणवदे for जनपद; यधाशलूवं is यथास्वरूपम् and याणवत्त is यानपात्र, a boat.
295. Non-initial 296. Non-initial
is changed to; e. g., for . is substituted by, i. e. by
299-300. The Gen. sing. termination for words ending in अ is आह and the plural आहँ in मागधी; eg., एलिशाह for ईदृशस्य, शोणिदाह for शोणितस्य; शय्यणाहँ for सज्जनानाम् etc. The usual forms in Prakrit are also found; e. g., भीमशेणस्स, नलिन्दाणं for नरेन्द्राणाम् etc.