नीसास from निश्वास and तंस from त्र्यश्र अलाक्षणिक is natural or original.
93. रेफः शेषो नास्ति, bacause of II. 79.
100-115. This group of rules treats of a philological change called स्वरभक्ति or विश्लेष or anaptyxis. The general principle underlying anaptyxis in Prakrit is that whenever a conjunct contains a nasal or a semivowel or , its two members are separated by an insertion of a vowel, 3, or and in one instance by .
116-124. This group of rules treats of the philolo gical change called व्यत्यय or स्थितिपरिवृत्ति or Motathesis. The list of words undergoing this change is not complete us. words like उपानह्, धृति, दीर्घ etc., are not even mentioned. For f on the contrary see II. 171.
118. अचलपुर becomes अलचपुर, modern Ellichpur.
125-144. This group of rules treats of miscellaneous words which, according to H. are substituted by others. Many of so-called as can be explained under some recognised principle of philology, while others are altogether new words, probably.
129. गौणस्य when subordinate member of a componnd.
180. इत्थी for स्त्री by the philological principle called Prothesis.
142. For 13, compare Marathi 1.
145-173. This group of rules speaks of the af terminations in Prakrit.
168. कथं प्रियाभिमुखं पियहुतं - Here हुत्तं is not a substitute for the termination कृत्वसू, but for the word अभिमुख.
164, This termination is added in Prakrit to any form, even an infinitive like which becomes यावादिलक्षणः कः - Compare पाणिनि. V. 4. 29.
174. The word etc; are mentioned as substitutes for गो etc., without mentioning their प्रकृति, प्रत्यय and other