THEFTUĦ which means the topic of the declension of TGHz and .
248. अनीय and तीय are the terminations of the potential passive participle as also 7. This is here called कृद्य, i. e., कृदन्त य, and is to be distinguished from other य terminations,
249. छाया changes its य to ह when it does not mean complexion ( 378169); thus the shade of the tree would be qeZFA JIT; but the complexion or the expression on the face would be th1.
250. Gi is a termination in which 5 signifies that the ending vowel of the word is to be dropped,
251-254. These rules speak of the changes of t.
252. In the word gehor, is substituted by 51, so the word becomes पडायाण.
254. Tot meaning foot is changed to 7507:(nigietania), but in other senses it does not change its र to ल. भ्रमरे ससंनियोगे एव,-In भ्रमर र is changed to ल only when म is changed to # by I. 244,
255-257. These rules speak of the changes of s.
255. The word FPT changes its to T by this rule, which then becomes ini. See I. 124. "How are we to explain then the form थूलभद्दो ? H. proposes that in थूलभद्द the first member is not स्थूल but स्थूर with the change of र to by I. 254.
257. fugid stands for 55. See also II. 128. 258-259. These rules speak of the changes of a.
258. In art, a is changed to H. In the natural order of alphabet we expect a here instead of a. This could be explained by the fact that a and a are often confounded.
260. This is one of the fundamental rules of Prakrit. Thus there is only one sibilant in Prakrit and it is .
261. 0177178: : is a conjunct of u as first member and & as second member.