NOTES: I 198-246
228. Non-initial is invariably changed to UT according to this rule, which is one of the fundamental rules of Prakrit, माणइ Sk. मानयति. In the आर्ष प्राकृत, i. e in Ardhamagadhi even non-initial is changed. to σ
229. The initial in Prakrit is optionally changed to . The practice of the later Jains is to prefer a initial and to put non-initial; it is not however, uniform. The Eastern school of grammarians advocates the change of to indiscriminately, whether it is initial or non-initial. 231-235. These rules describe changes of 4. 231. q is usually changed to
rule. See also I. 177 and 179.
according to this etc.- stands for Here is not changed to a by this rule, as in that case there would be a confusion of sense between and a. gà etc.-See note on I. 180.
236. By this rule is changed to or to . See note on I. 187.
237-239. These rules speak of the changes of a. 237. The change of a to a is natural and normal in Prakrit.
238. स्त्रीलिङ्गनिर्देशात् etc. - बिसिनी (f) changes its ब to भ; but fa(n) does not.
240. in is changed to a against I. 187. 241-244. These rules describe the changes of . 245-250. These rules speak of the changes of . 245. The initial is changed to, even in words beginning with preceded by a preposition; for संयमः, संजोगो for संयोगः, आर्षे etc. – In Amg dropped, especially in the word ; thus अहक्खायं.
e. g., initial य is becomes
246, अर्थपरे means in its full natural sense of a pro-. noun in the second person, and so we cannot have of y changed to a by this rule in the expression