by this rule it is always mas. in Prakrit, 32 etc., Neuter words ending in and become mas. in Prakrit; e. g., जसो from यशस् and जम्मो from जन्मन् 33 अज वि सा सवइ ते अच्छी = अद्यापि सा शपति ते अक्षिणी, where अच्छी is mas. Nom. Plu. नचावियाइँ तेणम्ह अच्छीइं = नर्तितानि तेनास्माकमक्षीणि, where अच्छीई retains its orginal gender. नेत्ता... संस्कृतवदेव सिद्धम् — It appears that according to H. the words and are mas. even in Sk., and so they need not be included in the q दिगण, 34. विहवेहि गुणाइँ मग्गन्ति = विभवैः गुणाः मृग्यन्ते. 35. इमेि etc.-The termination 4 stands for of the abstract noun as also for इम, a possessive termination. 36 बाहाए जेण धरिओ एक्काए = बाहुना येन धृत एकेन.
37. संस्कृतलक्षण is the grammar ( लक्षण ) of the Sanskrit language. is really ; the indicates that the last vowel of a word together with the consonant is to be dropped before this .
43. When one member of the conjunct is dropped the preceding short vowel is lengthened to keep up the quantity of the word. Thus a first becomes q, and when
is dropped the preceding is lengthened. Similarly GRYY = HEA¶ = G. See also II. 89 and 92. The conjuncts enumerated_here are : श्य, श्र, र्श, श्व, श्श, ष्य, र्ष, ष्व, ष्ष, स्य, त्र, स्व and स्स.
44-66. These Sutras describe the changes. that, first or second in the word, undergoes. Thus & is changed to आ as in सामिद्धी for समृद्धि; to इ as in सिविण or सिमिण for स्वप्न; to अइ as in विसमइअ for विषमय; to ई as in हीर for हर; to उ as in झुणि for ध्वनि; to ए as in सेज्जा for शय्या; to ओ as in पोम्म for पद्म; it is dropped in words अलाबु and अरण्य.
67-83. These Sutras describe the changes that in Sanskrit words undergoes.
67. H. says: दवग्गी and दावग्गी do not come under this