NOTES : I. 4-36 उपमासु अपर्याप्तभदन्तावभासमूरुयुगम् । __ तदेव मृदितबिसदण्डविरसमालक्षयामह इदानीम् ॥
अच्छरिअं is अ The next verse shows that vowels other than ए and ओ may form a संधि, e. g., अत्य + आलोमण अत्थालोअण. The Sk. rendering of the verse is:
अर्थालोचनतरला इतरकवीनां भ्रमन्ति बुद्धयः। . अर्था एव निरारम्भं यन्ति हृदयं कवीन्द्राणाम्.
8. उत्तस्वर is defind as a vowel which is leftover when consonant associated with it is dropped. Such a vowel does not form संधि with the preceding one, e. g., गन्धउडि = गन्धकुटीम्. The verse is not quite clear in its meaning. सालाहण is सातनाहन; चक्काओ is चक्रवाकः where the उदृत्त vowel does form Sandhi.
_11, समासे तु etc,-In a compound the ending consonant of the first member may or may not be regarded as final. Thus, from सद्भिक्षु we may have सभिक्खु by dropping द् or from सज्जन, सज्जणो, by retaining it.
24. आलेटुअं is आश्लेष्टुम् with क termination by स्वार्थे कश्च . वा, II. 164.
27. क्त्वा becomes ऊण as in काऊण when an अनुस्वार on ण as an आगम is possible: but when it becomes इअ as in करिअ, there is no place for अनुस्वार as there is no ण. ण as declensional termination is possible in the Instrumental sing., Gen. plu., and सु in Loc. plu.
.30. प्रत्यासत्ति is सांनिध्य or सामीप्य. Thus, e. g., अनुस्वार followed by a letter from Anot would be changed to é, and so forth.
31-36. These six Sátras give rules of genders of certain words in Prakrit. Normally the gender of a word in Prakrit is determined by the gender of its corresponding word in Sanskrit. Daviations from this alone are mentioned here. तरणि in Sk. is both mas. and fem., but