देवतामूर्ति-प्रकरणम् be 1 angula between the armpits and arms. (30).
The upper-arms should each be 7 angulas wide (? in circumference?) and 16 angulas in length, while the forc-arms should be 18 angulas in length and the wrist 3 angulas in cxtent. (31).
The hands should be 12 angulas long and 5 wide. The navel portion should be 12 angulas, hips 24 (32); and thigh 11 angulas wide. The part of the shank, ncar the ankle, „should be 4 angulas.
The foot should be 14 angulas long, with a height (from the sole to the top of the foot) of 4 angulas. (33). ...
From the armpit upwards, the shoulders should be.8 angulas. The neck should be 8 angulas, and the feet 6 angulas wide. (34).
जानाति नानाविधरूपभावं, श्रीविश्वकर्मा सुरसूत्रधारः । ऊर्ध्वाण्डजस्वेदजरायुजाढ्यं, स विश्वरूपं सुखहेतवेस्तु ॥३५ ॥
इति श्रीक्षेत्रात्मज-सूत्रभृन्मण्डनविरचिते वास्तुशास्त्रे रूपावतारे देवता-मूर्ति-प्रकरणे प्रतिमातालनिर्णयाधिकारो नाम द्वितीयोध्यायः ॥२॥
देवों का सूत्रधार श्री विश्वकर्मा अनेक प्रकार के रूपों के भावों को जानता है। ऊर्ध्वज, अंडज, स्वेदज और जरायुज ये चार प्रकार के जीवों से व्याप्त जो विश्वरूप है, वह सुख के लिये होवे।
सूत्रधार मण्डन रचित देवतामूर्ति प्रकरण का दूसरा अध्याय पूर्ण हुआ।
The Divine Artisan of the deities, Sri Vishvakarma, knows innumerable different types of forms, and expressions. All praise to the Omniscient Being who has brought into being a world with four types of life-forms-the superior and upright; those born from eggs (like birds); those born from warm vapours (insects and the like); and those born from wombs (mammals etc.). May these forms work for happiness. (35).
Here ends the second chapter of the treatise on architecture composed by Sri Kshetratmaj Sutrabhrin Mandan, (i.e. Mandan, the son of Sri Kshetra) in which the scale, proportions and measurements of idols have been discussed...