प्रतिमा के विधान में नक्षत्र राशि आदि का मेलाप
नक्षत्रयोनिश्च षडष्टकं च, वर्गाष्टकं नाडिगतं च ऋक्षम् ।। देवादिक्षाणि विशोपकाश्च,
एते विलोक्या: प्रतिमाविधाने ॥६३ ॥ इति श्रीक्षेत्रात्मजसूत्रभन्मण्डनविरचिते वास्तुशास्त्रे देवतामूर्तिप्रकरणे शिलापरीक्षा-प्रतिमाप्रमाण-गुणदोषोद्भूताधिकारो नाम प्रथमोध्यायः। ....'
देव प्रतिमा बनवाते समय या स्थापना करते समय बनवाने वाले का या स्थापना करने वाले का और देव का नक्षत्र, योनिवैर, राशि का षडष्टक, वर्गाष्टक, नाड़ी वेध, गणदोष और विंशोपका (लेना देनी) इत्यादि को अवश्य देखना चाहिये।
___ श्रीक्षेत्रात्मज सूत्रधार मण्डन रचित वास्तुशास्त्र के देवतामूर्तिप्रकरण का :शिलापरीक्षा, प्रतिमा प्रमाण, गुणदोषाधिकार नाम का प्रथम अध्याय पूर्ण हुआ।
When making or installing statues it is vital to look into the zodiacal positions, astrological houses, 'the Shadashtaka and Vargashtaka of the astrological houses, lunar mansions, and (astrological) exchange-system etc. of the deities as well as of the donor who is having the statue made or installed.(63).
Here ends the first chapter of the Devata Murti Prakarnam, the treatise on architecture composed by Sri Kshetratmaja Sutrabhrin Mandan (the artisan Mandan, son of Shri Kshetra,), in which the statues of deities, examination of the stones, the scale of idols, their positive and. negative qualities, flaws and faults, and the occurence of unnatural phenomenon and so forth have been discussed.
Mandan, the author of this treatise, explains in his other work-Raj Vallabh that in the 'sun' of the zodiacal signs Virgo, Libra & Scorpio Vatsa faces south, in Pisces, Aries & Taurus west, and in Gemini, Cancer & Leo north. If construction work is done facing Vatsa or with its back to Vatsa (during these times) it will be a failure. However, in the 'sun' of Leo, Taurus, Scorpio & Aquarius signs work may be done in all directions. (Elsewhere, we Icarn that Vatsa is positioned in each direction for a period of three months).