देवतामूर्ति-प्रकरणम् गर्भगृह का सात भाग करके दो भाग छोड़ देना, बाकी जो पाँच भाग रहे, उस मान की शयन करने वाले शेषशायी आदि देवों की प्रतिमा बनाना सुखकारक है।
(Scale of u reclining idol) To make statues in a reclining/sleeping pose, divide the inner sanctum or 'garbhgriha' of a shrine into 7 parts. Leave out 2 parts, and manufacture the reclining/sleeping idol to the scale of the remaining 5 parts. This: is the scale which is the most auspicious for reclining deities, bestowing happiness to all. (25). प्रतिमा बनाने के पदार्थ
अष्टलोहमयी मूर्तिः शैलरत्नमयी तथा। श्रेष्ठवृक्षमयी वाऽपि प्रवालादिमयी शुभा ॥२६॥ . .
आठ प्रकार की सुवर्ण आदि धातु, पाषाण, रत्न, श्रेष्ठ वृक्ष और प्रवाल (मूंगा) आदि की मूर्ति बनवाना शुभदायक है॥१३ ...
Material from which idols may be made includes the eight-metal alloy known as 'Ashta-lohmayi' (the Ashta-dhatu of contemporary Hindi parlance) composed of gold, silver, copper, bell-metal, brass, lead, iron and tin, as well as stone, jewels, good timber, and coral and the like. These are auspicious. (26). पूजनीय जीर्ण प्रतिमा
अतीताब्दशता या स्यान्मूर्त्तिः स्थाप्या महत्तमैः। .. खण्डिता स्फुटिताप्या अन्यथा दुःखदायिका ॥२७॥
महान् पुरुषों द्वारा स्थापित की हुई मूर्ति यदि एक सौ वर्ष से पूजी जाती हो, तो वह यदि खण्डित हो या फटी हुई हो, तो भी पूजनीय है। अन्यथा खण्डित मूर्ति दुःखदायक है।१४ ।।
Any statue which was installed by highly revered and renowned great people in the past, and which has been worshipped regularly for a hundred years, retains its sanctity even if it is broken or shattered. Such an idol can be worshipped but otherwise the worship of desecrated idols brings grief. (27).