(Choosing a stone) -
A stone (shila) that is unmarked and whole, compact, without any holes, smooth, fragrant as a grape vine, and beautiful, and full of lustre, is the best and most appropriate for all types of idols, Siva-lingas and linga bases (or peethikas). (8).
त्याग करने योग अशुभ शिला
विमलं हेमकांस्यादि-चिह्न लोहमयं हि यत् । तथाऽन्यद्विविधं चिह्न प्रतिमायां भयावहम् ॥९॥
विशेष मलिन, सुवर्ण, कांसा और लोहा आदि धातु के रङ्ग के चिह्न वाली तथा अनेक प्रकार के दूसरे चिह्न वाली जो प्रतिमा हो, वह भयदायक होती है ॥९॥ ... Stones which are especially soiled, and of the colour and appearance of gold, brass, iron etc., and have certain other inauspicious markings should be avoided, as they give rise to statues which are fear-inducing. (9). ग्राह्यशिला
कपोतकुमुदभृङ्ग–माषमुद्गासितोपमा। - पाण्डुराघृतपद्माभा सर्वार्चासु सुखावहा ॥१०॥
कबूतर, कुमुद पुष्प, भ्रमर, उड़द, मूंग और कृष्ण वर्ण वाली, पीली घी के • वर्ण की और सफेद कमल के वर्ण की ऐसी शिला सब देवों की मूर्तियाँ बनाने के लिये सुखकारक है ॥१०॥
Stones that are the colour of pigeons and doves, or the Kumud flower (a term used both for the white water-lily, which is said to bloom at moonrise, as well as for the red lotus), or the big, black bhanwra bee, or lentil-beans like mash and mudga, as well as stones which are dark-blue or black, or yellow, or creamy like ghee (clarified butter), or like a white lotus, are auspicious for making images of all the deities, and bestow happiness. (10).