देवतामूर्ति-प्रकरणम् 'karnapattika' should be of 3 parts. The portion known as 'mukhapattam' should be of half a part, with 3, parts for the ' height of the shoulder or skandha area. (136).
Between the skandha and karnapattika should be an antarpattika of half a part.
The karnikam should be of two-and-a-half parts and portion called 'chippika' of one part. A further two parts make the 'antar-pattam' and two-and-a-half parts the 'kapotali' (137). The gras-patti, made as per norms, should be of five-and-a half parts, with a further skandha-patti of. half a part. Three parts make the Skandha-Shobhan. (138). An 'Ardha-Mukha-Pattika' should be made from four parts of the karnika, and the shobhan from one part out of eight (139).
पीठ का विस्तारमान
यावद्दीधैं भवेल्लिङ्गं तावत् स्यात् पीठविस्तरम् । - उमा तु पीठिका ज्ञेया लिङ्गं शङ्कर उच्यते ॥ १४० ॥
शिव लिङ्ग की ऊँचाई जिस मान की हो उस मान की पीठिका का विस्तार . करना। पीठिका उमा रूप और लिङ्ग शङ्कर रूप जानना। ... The extent of the peetha should be of the same scale as • the height of the Siva-linga. Know the peethika (base or pedestal)
as Uma and the linga as Shankar. (140). ...'. न्यूनाधिका न कर्त्तव्या उमा च शङ्करस्तथा।
न्यूनाधिके कृते दोषा: कुरुते राष्ट्रविभ्रमम् ॥ १४१ ॥
उमा और शङ्कर अर्थात् पीठिका और शिवलिङ्ग का स्वरूप मान से न्यूनाधक नहीं करना चाहिये। न्यूनाधिक करने से अनेक प्रकार के दोष और देश में विभ्रम उत्पन्न होता है।
Uma and Shankar (or the peethika and the linga) should not be made greater or lesser in size as this flaw will cause immense confusion and blunder throughout the nation. (141).