... देवतामूर्ति-प्रकरणम् . त्रिशूल, बाँयी भुजाओं में चक्र और कमल को धारण किये हुए बनाना । दाहिनी ओर वृषभ ओर बाँयी और गरुड की आकृति करना।
Harihara -
* For making a statue of Hari-Hara, make the right half as described for Sadashiv and the left half as for Hrishikesh. The two halves are white and blue-hued respectively. (57).
One hand is in the varad position, while the others possess a trident, a disc and a lotus in the prescribed manner. (That is beginning with the lower right hand and going in the clockwise direction to the upper right, upper left and lower lest etc.).. An image of Nandi the bull should flank the idol of Harihara on the right and Garuda on the left. (58).
कृष्णशङ्करसंयोगाद् द्वात्रिंशभेदमूर्तयः । नोदिता ग्रन्थबाहुल्याद् ज्ञेयं दीपार्णवाद् बुधैः ॥ ५९॥
कृष्ण और शङ्कर के संयोग से बत्तीस प्रकार की मूर्तियाँ होती हैं. ये ग्रंथ बढ़ जाने के भय से यहाँ नहीं कहा है, जिसे दीपार्णव आदि ग्रंथों से विद्वान् जान लें।
There are thirty-two types of statues' which can be made by combining the aspects and attributes of Krishna and Shankar. In order to prevent this granth (book) from becoming too long and unmanageable, however, all the different composite idols are not being detailed here. The wise and learned may know about such idols from works like Deeparnava. (59).
__ अथ शिवलिङ्ग स्वरूप
आठ धातु
अष्टलोहानि लिङ्गार्थे स्वर्ण रौप्यं च ताम्रकम् । कांस्य-पित्तल-बंगानि नागं लोहं तथाष्टमम् ॥ ६० ॥
सोना, चांदी, ताँबा, कांसी, पीतल, कलई, सीसा और लोहा ये आठ धातु शिवलिङ्ग के लिये हैं।