उववाइय सुत्तं सू० १६
से रहित थे, अपनी मनोवृत्तियों को संयम से बाहर नहीं जाने देते थे, उच्च मनोवृत्ति के धारक थे, श्रमण जीवन के सम्यक् निर्वाह में पूर्णतः संलग्न थे, इन्द्रिय मन आदि का दमन करने वाले इस वीतराग प्रभु द्वारा प्रतिपादित प्रवचन—तत्त्वानुशासन, धर्मानुशासन को ही आगे रखकर - प्रमाणभूत मानकर विचरण करते थे ।
In that period, at that time, Śramaņa Bhagavan Mahāvīra had many senior monks as his disciples. They were born in families wherein both the parents belonged to a noble line. They were rich in capacity, grace, humility, knowledge, faith and conduct, always careful and cautious about infamy and light in their belongings. They had oration, glory, expression and fame. They had overpowered anger, pride, attachment and greed; also their organs of senses, their sleep and hardships. They had no hankering for life, no fear from death. They had performed great penances. They had sundry qualities of a high order. They were performers of great deeds. They had attained great merit by practising great vows. They were capable to safeguard themselves against misconduct, men of great determination, capable to crush the sprouts of attachment and pride, experts in their activities and capable to terminate anger and greed. They were great in vidyās (powers), great in mantras (enchanted words), wise, celibate, great in principles, master of resolve, unflinchingly truthful, great upholders of prescribed code (samācārī). Immensely graceful, great penancers who had conquered their senses, friend of all living beings, they never hankered after the result of their restraint and penance. They were free from curiosity. Nothing external attracted them except restraint. They bore no feeling of enmity towards anyone. They were always busy with the prescribed activities of the Śramaņa monks. Habitually they obeyed the wishes and orders of their spiritual master and lived by holding the code of the nirgranthas to the fore.