उववाइय सुत्तं सू० ३
The forest strip always resounded with the ever-growing, delightful chirping and yell of birds like the parrot, peacock, mainā, cuckoo, kohangaka, bhingāraka, kondalaka, jibam.jibaka, nandimukha, kapila, pingalāksa, crane, skylark, swan heron and many others, all in couples. This imparted an extra charm to the forest strip. Excited black drones and bees of all species got settled there collecting honey from the flowers. Inwardly, the trees were laden with fruits and flowers and outwardly, they were covered with leaves. In other words, their load was full ( load of fruits, sweet, free from germs, and without thorns. The forest strip took extra grace from the presence of shrubs, creepers and bushes. ) Inside the forest, there were tanks, square, round and rectangular in shape, with delightful mansions inside, which had on them fluttering auspicious banners in all hues, with beautiful carvings and networks.
पिंडिम-णीहारिम-सुगंधि - सुह- सुरभि - मणहरं च महया गंधर्द्धाणि मुयंता णाणाविह गुच्छ - गुम्म-मंडवक घरक- सुह-सेउकेउ - बहुला अणेगरह जाण - जुग्ग - सिबिय-पविमोयणा सुरम्मा 'पासादीया दरिसणिज्जा अभिरूवा पडिरूवा ॥ ३॥
वह वृक्ष-समूह दूर-दूर तक जाने वाली सौरभ के संचित परमाणुओं की सुन्दर महक के द्वारा मन को हर लेता था । क्योंकि, वह आत्यन्तिक तृप्तिकारक विपुल सुगन्ध छोड़ता था । वहाँ भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार के अनेकानेक फूलों के गुच्छ, लता - कुंज, मण्डप, विश्राम स्थान, सुखप्रद स्थान, या क्यारियों की पालियाँ एवं ध्वजाओं का बाहुल्य था । वे वृक्ष अनेक रथों, वाहनों, डोलियों, पालखियों के ठहराने के स्थान थे । इस प्रकार वे वृक्ष रमणीय, मनोरम, दर्शनीय, मन को अपने में रमा लेन े वाले, तथा मन में बस जाने वाले थे ॥३॥
The trees attracted the mind with auspicious smell which spread far and wide, and this they continued to emit all the while. The forest had a rich collection of trees, shrubs, bushes,